T-Day Pumpkin Pie

I am overflowing not only with delicious, scrumptious food, but I am feeling pretty darn grateful for all that I have these days. I wrote most of this post in between cooking, but here is finally…  just the tip of my gratitudes…

1. You
I hope you do not find this cheesy, since most of us have not yet sat together and for a cup of deliciousness and I have yet to cook you dinner, but please, know… I want to. Because you allow me to work on my computer, with my son curled up, baby snoring in my arms and do what I wanted to do since I was a little girl: write. And cook, too.

2. My parents and siblings
Becoming a parent, makes you more deeply grateful and indebted for your own great Mom & Dad. I was blessed with hard-working, creative parents who lead with love & by example. They grew as much food as possible and were the source of my love of cooking.

3. Siblings
I also was blessed with two sisters, a brother, a couple of fab brother-in-laws and niblings (my brother recently enlightened me about this term) who wholeheartedly support me and my mission. They each can make me deeply belly laugh, they all give great hugs and are quick to offer support when I need it. You cannot ask for a better family. I miss them!

4. Movement
I grew up as a dancer. It clearly shaped much of my motivation and who I am today. It also led me to later fall in love with yoga. Which then led me to find this path that I am on today. Yoga is also the reason I met my husband. Lately, I have been combining the power of dance & yoga into a magical movement called Qoya taught by my dear friend Rochelle. Because we are all wise, wild and free.

4. My partner and husband Xerxes
He is not just my husband and the father to these two little pipsqueaks we call our children, but he is my number one go-to for pretty much everything. I never realized this is what love meant until I met him. I am truly blessed. And he is a solar powered super hero, too. But that is another story, for another day.

5. Juliette & Zedekiah
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My children, my sweet little loves. Now, loving your own children is a whole other adventure of love, devotion and delight. You know how living in the moment leads us to peace, happiness, joy? Observe and participate in a child’s world. We often feel determined to teach our children to the determent of failing to learn from them. They are masters of living in and for the moment. They are joy. They are teaching me so much.

6. Colorado & Arizona friends… and beyond
From my childhood through today, I have spent more time living away from family than near. This has taught me to find friends who bring you into their lives just like family. During the transition of this past year we were made stronger with the support of two different communities in two different states. We were also given love & support from family and friends beyond these communities. You all know who you are… and thank you so very much!

7. My mom-in-law
First, I am blessed to call her my friend. She raised Xerxes on her own and recently moved from Philly for the first time to be closer to her grandkids. Lulu as we call her, has been a critical part of this time in our lives. She spends time with our daughter so I can work. And she is a dishwashing whirlwind, which is a luxury for anyone who cooks mostly everything from scratch. Overall, she has lightened the load that so many new parents face when raising little ones. We are certainly lucky she is part of our lives.

8. Cooking
As I write this, I actually keep fighting the urge to run into the kitchen. It is my office, my happy place. My place to meditate. Creativity to me is a critical part of my daily life and cooking allows me to be creative and to nourish my family. Two for one special! And right now, with Thanksgiving it is full of goodness!

9. Real, Good, Unaltered, Unprocessed Food that will Change the WORLD!
When I met Xerxes, I remember him saying he wanted to ‘save the world through renewable energy’. Honestly, the cynic in me was fighting the eye roll, but my heart went pitter-patter and we kept dating. As I got to know him I realized this is a critical part of all human desire… to contribute, to change, to impact. And now, I too want to change the world! There is truly a way to eat that is good for our bodies and healthy for the planet. Not only is eating real, unprocessed food more delightful, but it is a powerful feeling to know that cooking from scratch can go beyond your own kitchen to impact the entire planet.

Please tell me a bit more about yourself through your gratitudes… what are you thankful for today?

Cook seasonally. Eat consciously. Live well,


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