photo-67My Mom and family certainly taught me a lot about cooking. Less about technique and more about the philosophy of eating whole foods straight from the earth. We grew up with my Mom grinding red winter wheat for bread and my parents grew as much as possible in their garden. It was never a preachy lesson. We certainly could eat whatever we truly wanted, but our home was stocked with goodness and this is what I do for my own family without really over-analyzing it on a day to day basis.

When we woke up this morning, Mimi asked Juliette what she would like to have for breakfast. Juliette insisted that we did not bring anything from home and therefore, she stated frantically “there is nothing for us to have!”

We explained Mimi had her Honey Whole Wheat and we could make Eggs in a Hole— one of Juliette’s favorite! Mimi looked at me a bit wide-eyed and said I do not know how to make it. I said I would walk her through it, but Juliette insisted she would show her how. In the end, I made breakfast, Mimi made coffee and Juliette chatted both of us up.

We brought breakfast out on to the back picnic table and had a lovely morning together. Until… a bee stung my Mom and then stuck it’s stinger into Juliette. 🙁

They both screamed in shock and pain. Soon we were racing around trying to make baking soda pastes and pulling the stinger out of Juliette’s toe. My Mom’s leg swelled with the venom (or something) too. They were both pretty miserable and with Xerxes still feeling run down we decided the rest of the morning would be spent watching Finding Nemo. It seemed to do the trick, although, my Mom’s leg is still a bit swollen and hurting.

photo-69Lunch was simply quesadillas with big dollops of sour cream, more Black Bean & Corn Salad and a homemade salsa my Mom made before we arrived.

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We started chopping zucchinis, cucumbers, tomatoes and fresh herbs. I whipped up lemon zest, juice, a mustard aioli, and extra virgin olive oil. That was dumped on penne and tossed with chunks of swiss cheese and kalamatas. photo-70My Mom also made her famous Green Beans Almandine to go along with it. For dessert, some of us had Neapolitan and others had Tillamook Cookie Dough Ice Cream.


Zed showing off his winning smile!

Overall, it was a lovely evening spent with friends and a preview of the fun to be had at tomorrow’s event where we will get to show Zed off to even more friends.

Good night buddies, may your dreams be delicious!


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